
Securing Your Business Data In Yorkshire With Custom Software Solutions

Securing Your Business Data In Yorkshire With Custom Software Solutions Are you ready to lock down your valuable business data and protect it from cyber threats? In the fast-paced world of Yorkshire business, safeguarding your sensitive information is crucial. Custom software solutions offer a comprehensive approach to data security, providing you with the peace of…

In an increasingly hostile digital environment where cyber threats run rampant, Business Security can no longer be an afterthought. Securing a company’s digital assets has become as vital as protecting its physical presence, especially in today’s technologically advanced and interconnected business landscape. To understand the expansive breadth of what Business Security encompasses, one must consider data security, network security, end-user education and the critical role of custom applications in providing tailored security solutions.

Business Security primarily involves safeguarding an organisation’s digital assets – a vast domain that incorporates, among other things, businesses’ network integrity, data privacy, and customer information. This isn’t a small task; in fact, a report by the Ponemon Institute in 2020 found the cost of cybercrime for companies globally to have increased by almost 72% in the past five years, reaching $1 trillion in 2020.

One of the significant facets within Business Security is network security, designed to protect the usability and reliability of a business’s network and data. This includes both hardware and software technologies and often focuses on preventing unauthorized access, misuse, or denial of an organisation’s computer network and network-accessible resources. Bearing in mind that 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses, according to a 2019 Verizon report, showing that network security isn’t clearly the preserve of large corporations.

Additionally, we cannot discuss Business Security without addressing end-user education. Considering that 95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error, as per a study by Cybint, it’s clear that educating employees about the potential risks and how to mitigate them can be a deciding factor.

But perhaps the most promising development in the realm of Business Security is the rise of bespoke software, app, and web development. Tailored solutions offer businesses the opportunity to implement measures fit specifically for their operations, rather than off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all products. These bespoke solutions can offer a level of security intricacy that is uniquely designed to meet an organisation’s specific needs.

The security landscape is becoming more complex, flexible, and especially crucial as our reliance on digital landscapes grow. I encourage you to further explore our Business Security section to read more about this vital topic and develop a deeper understanding of ways to protect your business.

The Yorkshire App blog offers a rich trove of insights on software, app, and web development as well as other essential business areas. If you’d like to discuss more about Business Security or how bespoke software, apps, and web solutions can benefit your organisation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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