Designing Your E-commerce Website: Tips and Best Practises

You’re about to venture on a mission to create an e-commerce website that actually converts, and you’re smart to start with a solid foundation. First, identify your target audience and tailor your content, products, and user experience to their needs. Develop a solid content strategy, research, and outline your goals before designing your website. Don’t even think about skipping this step, or you’ll end up with a hot mess. Establish a strong brand identity with consistent colours, imagery, and tone across all platforms. Now, you’re ready to plunge into the nitty-gritty of product pages, checkout processes, and mobile optimisation. Keep going, and you’ll uncover the secrets to a seamless e-commerce experience.

Key Takeaways

• Identify your target audience and their pain points to tailor content, products, and user experience for better engagement.• Develop a solid content strategy that includes blog posts, social media, email marketing, and product pages to reach customers effectively.• Choose colours that evoke emotions and create an emotional connexion with customers, ensuring brand consistency across all platforms.• Simplify the checkout process by reducing steps, offering guest checkout, and integrating social login to reduce cart abandonment.• Ensure mobile optimisation and accessibility by prioritising mobile testing, using responsive layouts, and incorporating accessibility features.

Planning Your E-commerce Website

What’s the point of building an e-commerce website if you don’t have a clear plan in place, right? It’s like trying to navigate a road trip without a map or a GPS. You’ll just end up lost and frustrated.

Before you start designing your e-commerce website, take some time to plan it out.

Identify your target audience. Who are they? What’re their pain points? What problems do they need solving? Knowing your audience inside and out will help you create a website that speaks directly to them. You’ll be able to tailor your content, products, and overall user experience to meet their needs.

Develop a solid content strategy. This isn’t just about throwing up some product descriptions and calling it a day. You need a cohesive plan for creating and publishing content that resonates with your audience. This includes blog posts, social media, email marketing, and product pages. Your content should be informative, engaging, and consistent.

Don’t even think about designing your website until you have a clear plan in place. Take the time to research, brainstorm, and outline your goals and objectives. This will save you from a world of headaches down the line. Trust us, your future self will thank you.

Choosing the Right Colours

Now that you’ve got a solid plan in place, it’s time to think about the visuals – starting with the colours that’ll make your brand pop, engage your audience, and ultimately drive sales. Choosing the right colours for your e-commerce website is more than just picking your favourite hues; it’s about creating an emotional connexion with your customers and building brand recognition.

Colour Psychology plays a significant role in influencing consumer behaviour, and the right colours can increase brand recognition, trust, and even conversions.

Emotional Connexion: Choose colours that evoke the emotions you want your customers to feel when interacting with your brand. For example, blue is often associated with trust and reliability, while red is linked to excitement and energy.

Brand Consistency: Establish your colours are consistent across all platforms, including your website, social media, and marketing materials. This will help build brand recognition and make your brand more memorable.

Contrast and Readability: Select colours that provide sufficient contrast with your background and text, making your content easy to read and navigate.

Optimising Product Pages

You’re about to make or break the sale with your product pages, so don’t mess this up!

A great product page needs to cheque three essential boxes:

High-quality product images that make your product look amazing,

Compelling descriptions that answer all the customer’s questions,

And clear call-to-actions that make it ridiculously easy to buy.

Get these right, and you’ll be raking in those sweet, sweet sales.

Product Image Quality

High-quality product images are the unsung heroes of e-commerce, as they can make or break a sale, with research showing that 67% of customers consider them more important than product descriptions and reviews combined. You can’t just slap any old image on your product page and expect customers to flock to it. Nope, it takes effort and attention to detail to create images that truly sell.

Image Authenticity: Use real-life images of your product, not some fancy CGI render that looks nothing like the real thing. Customers want to see what they’re getting, not some idealised version of it.

Visual Hierarchy: Make sure your product is the star of the show. Use a clean background, and don’t clutter the image with unnecessary elements. You want the customer’s eye to be drawn to the product, not some fancy design element.

High-Quality Images: This should go without saying, but use high-resolution images that are clear and sharp. You don’t want customers to have to squint to see what they’re buying.

Compelling Product Descriptions

When crafting product descriptions, your goal is to seduce customers with words, making them crave your product like a teenager craves the latest iPhone.

It’s not about listing features; it’s about creating an emotional connexion with your customer. You want them to imagine themselves using your product, feeling the benefits, and experiencing the joy it brings.

That’s where product storytelling comes in. Instead of just listing specs, tell a story around your product. Share its history, its inspiration, or the problem it solves. This will help create an emotional connexion with your customer, making them more invested in the product.

Think about it: when you read a review or a testimonial, don’t you feel more connected to the product? That’s because someone’s sharing their experience, and you can relate.

You can do the same with your product descriptions. Make them concise, yet engaging. Use a conversational tone that resonates with your audience.

Clear Call-to-Actions

Now that you’ve got your customers emotionally invested in your product, it’s time to seal the deal with clear calls-to-action that make it ridiculously easy for them to whip out their credit cards.

A clear CTA isn’t just about slapping a ‘Buy Now’ button on your product page. It’s about strategically placing that button in a spot where it can’t be ignored.

Button Placement Strategies: Place your CTA above the fold, so it’s the first thing customers see. And make sure it’s big and bold, so it can’t be missed.

Use Urgency Messaging to create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out). ‘Limited time offer!’ or ‘Only 5 left in stock!’ can be just the push customers need to make a purchase.

Make your CTA mobile-friendly. You’d be surprised how many sales are lost because the ‘Add to Cart’ button is too small for thumbs to click on.

Creating a Seamless Checkout

When you’re designing your e-commerce website, you know that a seamless checkout process is essential – after all, you don’t want to lose customers at the very last step!

To make it happen, you’ll need to focus on three key areas: simplifying the checkout process, streamlining payment options, and ensuring error-free payment processing.

Simple Checkout Process

What’s the biggest buzzkill for online shoppers? A clunky, confusing checkout process that makes them want to abandon their carts and flee in frustration. You don’t want to be that e-commerce site, do you?

To avoid this, focus on creating a seamless checkout experience.

Streamline the process: Reduce the number of steps required to complete the checkout process. The fewer, the better.

Offer guest checkout: Not everyone wants to create an account, so provide a guest checkout option to speed things up.

Social login integration: Allow users to log in with their social media accounts, making it easier for them to complete their purchase.

Streamlined Payment Options

You’ve got your customers all the way to the checkout, so don’t blow it by making them navigate a labyrinth of payment options.

You want to make it easy for them to hand over their hard-earned cash, not give them a headache.

Offer a guest checkout option to save them from creating an account, and make sure you’re using secure tokens to protect their sensitive info.

Don’t ask for unnecessary details, and for goodness’ sake, don’t make them re-enter their payment info multiple times.

Keep it simple, and keep it fast. You want to get them in and out of the checkout process as quickly as possible, so they can get back to their day (and start enjoying their new purchase).

Remember, the more hoops you make them jump through, the higher the chances they’ll abandon their cart and leave you high and dry.

Streamline those payment options, and watch your conversion rates soar.

Error-Free Payment Processing

Processing payments without a hitch is essential in maintaining a seamless checkout experience, as even a single error can send your customers running for the hills. You’ve worked too hard to get them to this point, only to lose them due to a payment processing mishap. Don’t let that happen!

Guaranty your checkout process is smooth, secure, and efficient.

  • Secure Gateways: Partner with reputable payment gateways that use the latest encryption and security protocols to safeguard sensitive customer data.

  • Fraud Detection: Implement a robust fraud detection system to identify and prevent suspicious transactions, saving you and your customers from potential losses.

  • Real-time Error Messaging: Provide instant feedback to customers when errors occur, enabling them to correct issues quickly and effortlessly.

Making It Mobile Friendly

As you’re building your e-commerce website, remember that a whopping 70% of online shoppers are accessing your site from their mobile devices. Yeah, it’s a lot, and you’d be crazy to ignore it.

So, what does this mean for you? You need to make sure your website is mobile-friendly, pronto!

First things first, you need to prioritise mobile testing. This isn’t just about checking that your website doesn’t crash on a smaller screen (although, let’s be real, that’s important too).

You must ensure that your website is optimised for mobile, with a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes and devices.

Think about it, if your website is hard to navigate on a phone, you’re basically asking customers to leave. And trust us, they will.

Enhancing User Experience

Now that you’ve got your mobile-friendly site up and running, it’s time to think about what happens when customers actually start using it – and that means focussing on the user experience that’ll keep them coming back for more. You want to make sure your site is easy to navigate, intuitive, and (let’s be real) not a total pain to use.

Accessibility Features: Make sure your site is accessible to everyone, regardless of abilities. This includes things like alt text for images, closed captions for videos, and keyboard-navigable menus.

Personalised Recommendations: Use customer data to offer personalised product recommendations. This can be as simple as ‘customers who bought X also bought Y’ or as complex as AI-powered product suggestions.

Streamlined Checkout: Don’t make customers jump through hoops to complete a purchase. Make the checkout process quick, easy, and painless.


You’ve made it to the finish line! Now, imagine your e-commerce website is a retail store.

You’ve curated the perfect product, designed an inviting atmosphere, and trained friendly sales associates. But, if customers can’t find the checkout or get frustrated with the payment process, they’ll walk out empty-handed.

Don’t let that happen. By following these design tips, you’ll create an online shopping experience that’s as seamless as a well-oiled machine.

Remember, 28% of shoppers will abandon their cart if the checkout process is too complicated – don’t be that website!

Contact us to discuss our services now!

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